Antby Co., Ltd. is a home appliance manufacturer that manufactures and sells Italian organic products・import business・travel coolers・ovens, etc. Based on the manufacturing and sales business of home appliances such as refrigerators, humidifiers, coffee makers, wine cellars and aroma diffusers, etc.
in recent years, the company has engaged in a wide range of businesses, such as developing an outdoor business and a take-out pizza shop.
Website production
Below is the product website of Antby Co., Ltd. that we created.
We also provide operational support for the EC site「KUWATOSUKI」using the Color Me shop.
Regular meetings and operational・Consulting
We, mgn Co., Ltd. not only do website creations, but also provide operational support after publishing.
The operation support team holds regular meetings with clients, and together thinking about「What can lead to sales?」. While implying to the current issues, mgn keep in mind the priority of clients and this is an「agile method」that mgn is using.
There is「agile development」in software development, but we do more than just development.
- Perform access analysis to find out user trends
- Create a webpage for the campaign
- Create a video to introduce the product
- Introduce products on podcasts
- Distribute Twitter ads, Google ads, YouTube ads, etc. and measure their effectiveness
- Propose・Support to improve the inventory management system
- Proposal and operational support for customer management using CRM tools(Customer Relationship Management)
……In addition to analysis and proposals, we provide a wide range of support according to the business requirements.
Support for creating inventory management system for home appliance manufacturers
In addition, we propose and support various things in order to organize the inventory management and product shipping when operating an EC site.
- Creation of CSV conversion macro(CSV for ordering from EC sites such as Yahoo/Rakuten/Amazon => conversion of CSV for shipping by delivery company)
- Introduction and set up assistance of Kintone(for order management other than EC site)
- Support for order management during busy season(collation・duplicate confirmation)
- (What we are currently working on)Inventory・Shipping management using barcodes
YouTube ads and Google ads
In regards to producing videos and images for advertising, we regularly use digital marketing tools to publish and measure effectiveness.
Long-term partnership by continuing to propose measures that can be done through the Internet
Once you’ve created and launched your website, it is time to start.
Even if your website is operating online, there won’t be any purpose without receiving any response from your users.
What one can do with the Internet has dramatically increased in the last few years. There are various advertising medias, marketing tools and methods online. Therefore, many years of experience are required to catch the latest trends and produce results.
Based on our experience on many media sites and EC sites, mgn has helped the Web staff of the company to think about the necessary support and operation to their everyday concerns.
「I don’t know how to operate advertisements」「What should I do to manage customers on EC sites?」
If you would like to discuss these concerns or would like to discuss the operation of your own site, please contact us.