Released of WordPress theme Snow Monkey Expansion pack “Apes” and Snow Monkey Blocks plugin.

Turn your WordPress theme Snow Monkey into a business site with just a few clicks!

At the end of December 2020, the plugin was released for WordPress theme, Snow Monkey. Since the Bata version was released, we have also received more than 250 email newsletter registrations in just a month. Currently the plugin is still under development.

What is Apes?

Apes / Ruijinen will distribute extension plugins, launch sites, support operations, etc. Using Apes services can allow your creation and operation with WordPress Snow Monkey theme became smoother and efficient.

By adding Apes to Snow Monkey, a highly expandable and very convenient theme in WordPress, we are able to be more innovative in our site creations as well as being efficient.

Please check the Apes official website for more details.