mgn Principle


For the happiness of users, clients and us

共に考え、行動します Think and work together


mgn want to work together and think as a team. We also value each individual’s points of view. To reach the same perspective and the best possible outcomes, we want to think with different points of view in mind with our team members and clients.

  • この方法は複雑で時間がかかるかもしれません。それでも、私たちは同じ目標に向かってクライアントと一緒に考えることを大切にし、長く続くよりよい関係性を築きたいと考えています。
  • 私たちは最高の結果を得たいからこそ、正直な議論・提案を行います。
  • We stay away from clear and straight demands. Instead, we value thinking together towards the same goal and create long lasting connections.
  • To achieve the best possible results, we are not hesitate to discuss and propose other ideas when needed for our clients and users.

公平な関係性を保ちます Fair treatment

mgn では、立場の違いや上下関係にとらわれず、プロジェクトの成功のために必要な行動をとります。チームの全員が意思決定のプロセスに参加でき、全ての意見は等しく扱われます。

In mgn, we do not hide or suppress our opinions and actions just because of our different positions. Everyone in a team can join the process of decision making and all of the opinions are treated equally.

  • それぞれが、専門とする分野や経験と知識による多様な視点を持っています。その意見に耳を傾けることが、プロジェクトの成功への近道だと考えています。
  • 立場の違いによって異なる扱いを受けません。
  • 役職や業務内容に関わらず、自分の立場を利用して、チームの不利益となるような行動・判断はしません。
  • Success is one of the most important part of the project. In order to lead the project to success, we listen to opinions from various viewpoints based on each person’s area of expertise and the knowledge they have gained in their lives with equal respect and value.
  • We don’t promote hierarchy treatment.
  • We do not take advantage of our own position. This means that whether a person is in higher or lower positions, they will not make decisions that can be consider as exploitation to the situation or to other team members.

協力して補い合います Support each other


mgn moves toward together as one team and we try to support each other with our best capabilities. By understanding each other, we adjust and complement each other’s weaknesses and strengths. This also helps us to perform our best performance for the team.

  • 私たちはプロフェッショナルではありますが、各自が苦手や悩みも抱えています。それらを正直に話し、向き合います
  • 個人の力だけで解決しようとせず、チームメンバーや外部の専門家の力を借りるという選択肢があることを忘れません。
  • We are professionals, but each of us also has our own weaknesses and problems. Therefore, it is important to share our feelings honestly and openly with each other.
  • We don’t try to do everything by ourselves. In mgn, everyone has the option to ask for help from our team members, including our trusted experts.

休みも仕事も大切にします Taking breaks are essential


At mgn, we encourage taking breaks as it is one of the main keys to maintain happy and healthy team members. / Our team members make sure to look out for each other, cooperate and give a helping hand when needed.

  • 私たちはいつでもチーム全員の幸福と心の状態を気にかけています。
  • 私たち本来のパフォーマンスを発揮するため、そしてプロフェッショナルであり続けたいと考えるからです。
  • 私たちの人生は仕事だけではありません。わたしたちは後悔のない選択をします
  • We care about our team members well-being and state of mind.
  • We believe that in order to perform our best, we must value rest time, as much as work time.
  • We value all members decision to decide what’s important for them, especially when it comes to work and personal life. Live without regret is our motto at work.

裁量を持って働きます Work efficiently, work in our own pace


For us, everyone deserves the freedom to work in their own pace, and everyone has different skills that is useful for different tasks. To be able to think differently while heading towards the same goal allows us to grow better and enhance our skills for our team.

  • マイクロマネジメントを推奨していません。それぞれの仕事を信頼し、それぞれが自由に、柔軟に、そして責任を持って仕事をします。
  • 私たちは自分たちのために、自分たちで考えることを推奨しています。それぞれがイニシアチブを発揮します。
  • 誰もがいつでも相談できます。誰も置いて行かないように、そしてより良い結果になるようにディスカッションをします。
  • We don’t promote micromanagement. We take trust in each other’s work and each of us work with freedom, flexibility and responsibility.
  • We promote independent and the thought of “thinking for ourselves by ourselves”. Everyone have the initiatives to do what they want to do.
  • We want to create a safe environment for everyone to consult anytime. This is so when needed, discussions can be held so everyone can keep up and continue to work efficiently.

心理的安全性を高めます Promote ‘psychological safety’


We value and respect all member’s point of view regardless of their background. Everyone has the right to work in an environment free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence.

  • 私たちは、すべてのメンバーとのオープンで前向きな議論を歓迎し、誰もがチームの一員であることを実感できるようにしたいと考えています。
  • 私たちは誰もが自分のアイデアや気持ちを自由に表現できる環境を作ります。拒絶されたり、罰せられたり、恥をかかされたりすることはありません。
  • We exchange opinions, including our mistakes and failures, in an open and positive manner with all members. This ensures everyone feels like they’re a part of the team.
  • We aim to create a safe space that everyone can express their ideas, feelings or concerns without the fear of being rejected, punished, or humiliated

新しいアイディアに挑戦しつづけます Try new ideas


mgn actively adopts new ideas and technologies. We are not afraid to learn and take on new challenges.

  • 私達は挑戦の先に成功があることを知っています。
  • 私達は常に最善の解決方法を選択できるように、広い視野と多様な視点をもちます。
  • 私たちは会社としても個人としても成長し続けます。
  • We are willing to take risks as it will broaden our perspectives at work.
  • We want to explore and approach things using diverse points of view. In doing so, we have variety of options, which will lead us in finding the best solution.
  • We want to continue to challenge, grow and evolve as a company and as an individual.

オープンに情報共有します Openly Sharing


Honesty is the key to sharing. Whether it is about our company’s internal issues, work related ideas or information, successes and failures, we are not hesitate to share with each other and talk it out as a team. Not only internally, mgn also like to share our knowledge outside of our company since we believe it is a good asset for everyone.

  • すべてのチームメンバーは、ほぼすべての情報にアクセスすることができます。会社のお金に関わることから、成功や失敗の体験、そして仕事のガイドラインまで、社内のあらゆることを共有します。
  • 私たちは、円滑なコミュニケーション・効果的な共有をめざしています。そのために、 最適な方法を話し合い、改善し続けます。
  • 私たちは、私たちの技術や知識、経験を積極的に社外に発信します。お客様やその利用者のプライバシーに関わる情報は一切開示せず、すべての人にとって有益と思われる情報だけを精査して共有します。
  • Almost everything is accessible for all team members. We share internal matters ranging from our ideas to our company’s financial related data and information, successes and failures and our work guidelines.
  • We aim to have a smooth communication and effective sharing of information. To do that, we discuss from time to time and decide a system that best enhance how we share information and how we communicate.
  • Related to external actions, we proactively share our skills and knowledge outside of the company. However, we will never disclose any information that is linked to our clients or user’s privacy, and will only share what we believe will be beneficial to all.

世界との距離を縮めます Open to global opportunities


mgn value spontaneous connections. We are open to connect and work with all kinds of people around the world, including Japan through opportunities.

  • 私たちは、私たちそれぞれが持っている文化や特色も大切にします。そして、その良いところが、異なる文化や特色を持つ人たちとのコラボレーションに良い影響をもたらすと信じています。
  • 私たちは多様性を尊重し、好奇心を持って学び、より広い視野で物事をとらえます。mgnは言葉、文化、国籍などの違いにとらわれることはありません。
  • チャンスを逃さないよう準備をします。それが完璧ではなかったとしても、目の前にあるチャンスにチャレンジします。
  • We value our company’s culture as well as each of our member’s characteristics and uniqueness. mgn believe that these different aspects around the cultures that we’re expose with, will have a good effect on our future collaborations with others from different backgrounds.
  • We respect diversity and are actively open to learn and look at things from a broader perspective. mgn are not bounded by the differences between cultures, nationalities or countries.
  • We are prepared for new challenges and we make the most out of every opportunities we get even if they are not perfect.